The main difference between Blackboard discussion board and an in-class discussion is the limited space. For both BB and twitter your form of communication is through typing while in-class discussions are oral. One more thing about twitter is that it doesn't have spell check (good thing firefox provides this feature in its browser.) Going to a business school, I feel that twitter is both helpful and harmful. I feel in our society we are all short on time so we use abbreviations and slang. Twitter reinforces this. However, schools try and correct this, focusing more on the structure and grammar of English. This is so students are ready and capable of writing professional memos and letters when they go into the workforce.
Posting a tweet wasn't complicated at all. Since all our classmates are followers of each other it's simple to see each others tweets, kind of like a chatroom. Since this was my first time using twitter and I don't follow a lot of people it wasn't necessary to search for tweets made by classmates. It was all on the homepage.
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